Monday, 25 July 2011

Feeding a Habit - part 2 (Scared Bear)

So my PVP alt was nearing readiness...or so I thought.

I surfed on over to Battelclinic, scoured Scrapheap, and pestered the more combat oriented members of my Indy corp. You might laugh at asking indy guys for pvp fits, but well as I had learned many cold hard killers have manufacturing and mission alts, so I did get some great fits, looking back these days I actually have half a clue and can see that.

But, and dear reader it is a BIG but, my emerging death-machine had no where near the skills needed to fly these things. So after reading a good getting into pvp guide, and a pirating guide or two I built a couple of dozen rifters and a bunch of T1 mods to fit them with and dropped them in a station that bordered low sec. This was going to be my first pirate base. Kind of dumb if I had become a big bad red flashy pirate, as the local navy may have objected to my picking up my ships in patrolled space. But well live and learn, or die and learn as was in this case. Shit it was only a rifter or two (slow learner lol).

My first system for hunting was Pertnineere, neighbouring, Y9G-KS. This still makes me laugh.

Can you guess who lived in Y9G when I decided to start my low/null sec roaming?

It was the home of and erudite bunch of gents who went, and some still go, by the name of No Trademark.
Great bunch, oh yeah ruthless, racist, rude, lolfest killers to a man, well in game any ways. I would like to say that I learned heaps from my run ins with them, but the trip to a clone vat is too fast to really process much.

What I did learn was that I had far more to learn than I could ever have imagined.

My TZ and my RL commitments make it hard for me to fleet up, yeah many of you know how much that sucks. I also have nno figured out a good way to make loads of isk, and refuse to spend RL money on anything else but my subs. This does not make the perfect recipe for pvp fun, but I get buy.

I kept up my roams, oh how short they were, and had some fun, and very few wins, but I had them.

I learnt about gate guns, and how firgs are not the best for attacking ppl on gate in low sec. I learnt that assault, frigates are tough buggers, Arazu's are sneaky bastards with ridiculously long point range, and can be INVISIBLE!!!! Oh and they always have friends, well almost always.

Repeated ganks buy Arazu's in the belts of low sec around solitude started my love affair with cloaky ships.
And this love affair is only now reaching a point where I can fly my, hopefully, ultimate solo SB fit. Yes I am one of those dumb-asses that still think an SB can be a viable solo pvp ship. We shall see in about 2 weeks I will have the skills I need for it to shine. Then I will go out and have a good time loosing them, and tell you of my adventures.

My solo adventures were fun, but also frustrating, and way too quick. I did some thinking and decided to start looking to join a pvp corp to see if I could get time to fleet up with like minded psycho's and get a few KM's.

Well servers are up again!

Time for me to go, and you to.

Thanks for putting up with my rambling again, if you can possibly stand any more, watch this space in the coming week, or weeks :P, for Part Three -Bear for Hire.



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